About Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the United States, comprising 15.2% of all cancers reported.
In 2023, 297,790 new cases of breast cancer were reported, and 43,170 deaths were reported in the United States.
Breast cancer occurs most often in middle-aged and older women.
The rate of new cases is 126.9 per 100,000 women or 127%, with a woman having a 12.9% lifelong probability of being diagnosed with breast cancer.
Per the chart, while incidences of breast cancer have remained relatively stable since 1995, mortality rates continue to decrease.

National Cancer Institute. (2023, April 19). Breast Recent Trends in SEER Age-Adjusted Incidence Rates, 2000-2020. SEER*Explorer Application.
Image taken from Susan G Kohman