Other Helpful Resources
Dedication. Expertise. Passion.
Abby Keller Coaching
Certified RN and lifecoach Abby Keller provides patients with space and support to navigate life during/after a cancer diagnoses.
80 Cancer Care: A Legacy of Help and Hope
Physical changes, intimacy, and New relationships during treatment/after cancer
American Cancer Society
Body image, Sexuality and Intimacy After Breast Cancer
Sexual Health Clinics and Resources
MedBridge Breast Cancer Survivorshop for Clinicians
MedBridge Breast Cancer Survivorship Course for Clinicians
Course for rehab professional on addressing the physical and psychosocial issues of breast cancer
Occupational Performance Inventory of Sexuality and Intimacy (OPISI)
Designed for OT practitioners to screen and measure performance related to sex and intimacy.
Metastatic Breast Cancer and Sexual Health Webinar: Susan G Komen
Educational patient facing sexual health seminar - MBC
Fingeret Psychology Services:
Body Image Education and Support for oncology healthcare professionals and cancer survivors
Body Image Care for Cancer Patients Book
Book is to educate healthcare professionals about care for patients with cancer​
Centre for Appearance Research
The world's largest research group focusing on the role of appearance and body image in people's lives